
Showing posts from 2021

Lockdown News 4-11-2021

Te Puna Blog - November                                         Lockdown News # 5                 Thursday  4th of November            Rapare wha o Whiringa - a - Rangi Good Morning Tamariki ma! Well, what a nuisance to be back in Lockdown when we had so many fun things happening at school this week. We are hoping that you are all feeling ka pai in your homes? Hopefully this will be a quick Lockdown and we will see you all next week. In the meantime, take a look at our "Home Learning " page on our class website for some fun ideas to help you and your whanau have a good time together. Take care, and keep looking at our website - we wil have some more suggestions for you all tomorrow! Please, stick to your bubbles so we can get back to school as soon as possible. Arohanui, Mrs Heka and Whaea Bridget
                                                                     Lockdown News #4                Monday  18th October 2021      Rahina  tekau ma waru Whiringa - a - nuku  Good morning tamariki ma, We are in lockdown again!! Hopefully not for much longer. Mrs Heka and I are waiting for today's News (on TV this afternoon) to see if we are all going back to school this Wednesday. No Covid cases have been reported in Northland so things are looking good. There are some activities for you on the "Home Learning" part of our Class Website. (Te Puna Site) Have a look if you need some ideas! Please keep safe and we will see you soon. Arohanui Mrs Heka and Whaea Bridget P.S. We have both been vaccinated!!

Making Bee Wax Lunch Wraps in Te Puna Teina

  Making Bee Wax Lunch  Wraps in Te Puna Teina Waha Trent Hina, Casey and Alexus This week Whaea Sharee from Cbec came in to talk to us about plastic and how it was not good for our environment. She showed us how to make wax lunch wraps to use to wrap our sandwiches, instead of that yucky glad wrap. Te Puna Teina Te Rau
                       Lockdown News #3                Tues day 7th September 2021                  Ratu whitu    Mahuru Kia ora tamariki and your whanau School is back on!! It will be "business as usual" on this Thursday, and we are looking forward to seeing you all then. Buses will be running and sanitiser will be available on entry to your classrooms. Plus, we will sanitise before and after every snack or meal. We will eat at our tables and be very careful about keeping our hands to ourselves and social distancing as much as possible. If you want to, and you can use one properly, you can use a mask but you do not have to. Teachers are calling whanau today so if you have questions abut how we will keep you safe, do ask them! Whaea Sacha has posted a newsletter with more detail on the school website. Take care till Thursday, we will see you then, Arohanui Mrs Heka and Whaea Bridget
Lockdown News #2 Monday 30th August 2021  Rahina toru tekau   Here-turi-kōkā Good morning tamariki ma, I hope you are all well and finding plenty of things to keep you busy. Here are some fun things you can try, I used to do them when I was your age and at home by myself or sometimes my brothers were there too... Build a playhouse with blankets and pillows Make scones, cake or biscuits Play dress ups with my mum's old clothes, shoes and handbags Dance around to music wearing  dress ups Sort out old clothes to give to a charity or smaller friends Draw or paint Hey I found two cool sites for you to visit  AND Both sites have games, puzzles and free downloads for you. At the zoo you can even see a video of some cute new tortoises!
Lockdown News #1 Wednesday 25th August 2021  Raapa rua tekau ma rima   Here-turi-kōkā   Kia ora , Hello , Konichiwa  and Bonjour to the students from  Te Puna Teina  & Te Puna Tuakana classrooms at Oturu School. How are you all doing? It is Whaea Bridget here, yesterday I got to see some of you when I delivered some of your school work to you, as well as some kai. If I did not pop in hopefully you saw another teacher or Whaea Sacha. Eat up those Weetbix and become a champion like Tom Walsh. He was one of the New Zealand Olympic team members who recently went to Tokyo. He won a Bronze medal for throwing the shot putt.  Thank you, for all your beautiful manners.  I hope you are doing some math from the activity book, some writing in your writing books and that you are reading your new Duffy Books.  Mrs Heka and I hope you are looking after your whanau too. We have an Ostrich at our farm, this week she laid her first egg. There was loads of egg yolk inside. Won't it be cool when s
  What an interesting presentation this was - Bex combined so many different things. Then she sent us a slide with the links to all we had discussed - fantastic Take home ideas - mynoise app. ,  - 50 things to make instead of buy - start discussing ideas for what we would produce in Term 3 for a market day in Term 4

Oturu Moon Phase

  We learnt that the name of our school Oturu is a very import moon phase where it is a great time for planting.
Beautifying our environment with Nikau trees   Harlem, Madison and Julia were not afraid to “get stuck in” and get their hands and feet dirty when we planted nikau trees at our school entrance, March 2021.

Te Puna Worm Farmers 2021 - Kaitiakitanga

  Te Puna Worm Farmers 2021 This term we have been learning about our school value Kaitiakitanga and what it looks like and feels like. What is Kaitiakitanga? Looking after our friends - Madison Looking after our worms - Coletin Don’t touch the worms skin or you will burn them - Te Ihi Worms love to eat bananas - Class Picking up rubbish and putting it in the right bin - Ronald Our worms are happy because we take care of them - Margaret Ewwww worms - the girls

Connecting the dots colouring in competition

  In Te Puna we had a colouring in competition to see who could connect the dots 1 to 10 and colour in their bunny the best. We all took turns voting on our favourite bunny and Carmen won with 3 votes for her bunny (top left).  She won 3 stickers on her sticker chart and is 1 sticker away from reaching 20 stickers which means you get to choose something from Mrs Heka's goodie box. Look at all the awesome mahi from the tamariki in Te Puna!